Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 15-16-17

Day 15: My Shoes
Well.. These are my slippers.. I love them sooooo much.. :P

Day 16: What I ate..
I love this thing.. I dunno what its called :P but I love it! Its so tasty yummyyyy.. I took this picture at Thailand.. You have to try eating this :P.. My dad knows how to cook it so I can ask him whenever I feel like wanting it :P

Day 17: On the shelf..

وفاة 5 مواطنين من عائلة واحدة في حريق بمنزلهم بالقضيبية

توفي مساء امس خمسة مواطنين من عائلة قائد حرقا «طفلان ورجل وامرأتان» واصيب ثلاثة افراد إثر حريق ضخم شب في منزلهم المكون من 3 أدوار في منطقة القضيبية فيما تمكن رجال الدفاع المدني وأهالي المنطقة من إنقاذ حياة فتاة وصبي أصيبا في أجزاء متفرقة من جسديهما واخراج احدهما بواسطة السلم وقفزت فتاة اخرى من الطابق الثاني هربا من النيران واصيبت بعدة كسور. فقد شبت النيران في وقت متاخر من ليلة امس بالمنزل المكون من 3 أدوار بشكل مفاجئ وتصاعدت ألسنة النيران بسرعة بسبب الاخشاب التي تكون جزءا من المنزل مما أدى إلى انتشار النيران لجميع أدوار المنزل . وتسبب الحريق في اختناق الجدة التي تبلغ من العمر 85 سنة لتفارق الحياة بموقع الحادث فيما تفحمت أجساد رجل خمسيني يدعى منصور قائد ومواطنة تبلغ من العمر 45 عاماً وصبي وشقيقته يبلغان من العمر 12 و13 سنة وتم إنقاذ حياة كل من جنان قائد وعبدالرحيم قائد وماريا محمد قائد وهي لاعبة في منتخب البحرين النسائي لكرة الطائرة.
وقام أهالي المنطقة المتواجدين في موقع الحريق بنقل الفتاة التي قفزت من الدور الثاني إلى مكان آمن ريثما تصل سيارة الإسعاف في حين استطاع رجال الدفاع المدني الدخول للمنزل واخراج فتاة اخرى وصبي ونقلهم الى مستشفى السلمانية على الفور لتلقي العلاج.
وشكل رجال الدفاع المدني عند وصولهم موقع الحريق عدة مجموعات تولت كل مجموعة إخماد جزء من الحريق في عملية استغرقت أكثر من 45 دقيقة. وحضر الى موقع الحريق عدد من ضباط الداخلية والدوريات المدنية ورجال الشرطة، وتسبب الحريق باختناق كبير في الحركة المرورية لإغلاق رجال الشرطة والمرور الطريق ، فيما فتحت الجهات الأمنية تحقيقاً لمعرفة الأسباب التي أدت إلى اشتعال النيران في المنزل.

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Random Pictures

Good afternoon All,

Well.. its 2 PM here and I am leaving work in one hour and a half and I am soooooooo bored right now! So was looking at some pictures and felt like sharing them with you :).. So here we go..

You remember the topic I wrote "Strawberry Cake" I made this cake and my birds loved it so much :P LOL

One day I saw my sister's display picture on black berry and I couldnt stop laughing! This is my cousin wearing a mask! First I thought this is not real pic or a fake one! But no he is wearin Mr. Bean mask! I found it so hilarious in a freaky way! :P

Well.. Well ! Do you agree ? :P I totally do :P

It might be a fake conversation, but still its funny :P

Yup I am the old sis :P :P

Back to my birdos.. He loves my dad so much! & he was tryin to go inside his room by pushing himself under the door! LOL aya 3laih :***

So pictues I adore =)

Well thats it! It didn't waste my time much :P ! It took me only 15 minutes pff.. Can't wait for 3.30! Have a nice day all =D

Goodbye - By A.Malik

Good morning readers, in one of my topics one of my readers has posted a comment with some nice words on it.. I didn’t want to keep it there as a comment.. I wanted to share it with you all.. I liked his words so much, so hope you like it too! - I hope u dun mind me doing that Malik :) -

Before copying his words, I believe that saying goodbye is so hard.. I hope no one end up saying goodbye to the people they love.. Enjoy reading =)..

“I will copy the exact words, without adding, editing, deleting anything..”

By amalikrunner
This is out of this context, but - Goodbye is one of the hardest words we use in our lives...

We all once in our lifetime have to wave a goodbye while our heart bleeds in within but sometimes we have to go through it..

We're made to be tested, we're made to be challenged, we're made to be pushed around, but we must also realize we can build ourselves to overcome all of this..

All of the sadness, all of the lonely nights you go through, pictures racing through your mind.. some nights you wake up, go back to bed, wake up and watch through the window.. the sky... the cars passing by... the honks of the impatient people..

The accidents around us... the bloodshed around us... the corruption... the prostitution... the hidden black secrets.. some of us want to change it.. some of us wish we could change us and some like me believe and know we will change it very soon despite the severe consequences from the lost people who are heading onto a collision with themselves in their lost lives..

Living falsely... faking a smile... pretending to be happy... saying what they don't mean...

Many things I've done I regret, but then I don't as I learned from them... Many things I wish I could change... I wish I could turn the life back around go back to being a child.. I'd live differently ofcourse..

That's why they say life can be live only onced... because if God us the chance to go back we'd all go back... and change the way we did things..

We don't realize our actions cause others problems... our words can hurt some feelings... our not telling the truth can shatter glasses...

I guess you're thinking what in the world is he saying everything mixed? lol

Sincerely, A Malik 'I look down but I am going up'
To be honest, some of the words you wrote brought pain to my heart.. I hate saying goodbye..! & no I would never say what in the world is he saying, because I can tell it came from the heart =)

Apple Pie - HELP -

Has anyone ever made an apple pie? I need a little help here please ><

Monday, September 26, 2011

Brain Talk!

Dear Brain,
At 3.30 I will go back home eat my lunch and take a nap!

Dear Brain,
Oh please please Butterfly Chick think right think think you read this somewhere!

Do you have those kind of chitty chat with your brain? Do you speak to your brain? I believe all of us have thoughts inside and keep talking to themselves! This is not what I wanna know really..
What I would like to know is in what language do you talk to yourself! In what language you have your thoughts?

For me, I sometimes talk to myself in Arabic, & sometimes in English! Okay I am not proud of doing it in English but it just sometimes happen :P

So how about your brainy brains? What language do you communicate with your brains? :P

A Little Help Please !

Hello guys.. I am looking for a search engine where you can search by picture! I know Google has this but what if I don’t have the whole picture just part of it and I want to know where this picture really exist in which site for example? << I am asking for something impossible? Lol because I believe I am! Lol..
If I am not clear.. See its like writing the word “NAME” in Google and you get many topics with the word “NAME”! Is it possible to do this for the picture?

Lemme know if I am not clear :$ !

Appreciating your help ^^

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Give Me My Money Back!

Will you ever stand on someone’s face and tell him/her these words?
Let’s say someone borrowed some money from you – and let’s be specific – it’s equal or less than 100 BD – $ 267 – and it has been like forever and they didn’t return your money back! Will you go ask for it?
I guess people are a bit sensitive in these situation! Some might even get shy! Even if that money was theirs but still they would feel shy asking for it – I am one of those persons! –

So if you know that this person has money now and you can see them spending on some silly stuff will you ask them to return back your money? Is there any limit for you to ask your money back? Let’s say if it was only 5 BD - $ 13 – for example will you still ask for it? After all its your money isn’t it?!

So tell me, have you ever been in a situation like that? Ever borrowed someone money and they didn’t return it back? Ever asked someone to return back your money!
Tell me what will you do if you have been there!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 11-12-13-14

I am back with this challenge ;)

Day 11: Something Fun

Dream world is a fun place to visit in Thailand.. There are many games and the places is sooooo amazing if you like to take pictures.. It is a must visit place :D

Day 12: Close Up

Isnt he so adorable? You wont believe the story behind this bird :P.. Well I have a cockatiel bird named Chocho & my lil sis has also a cockatiel bird named Mato.. Anyhow.. Once my mom was in the garage and guess what? She saw this bird in our garage so she decided to catch it! LOL I dun believe what she did to be honest! she called my dad and he caught the bird and brought it inside.. & since Chocho & Mato are always outside the cage my mom cut this bird's wings so he can wander with them at home :P LOL she also named him Lolo after my lil sis Laila :P Lolo is such an adorable bird he is soooo tiny and he follows chocho a lot :P & I am pretty sure we are taking a lot of care of him I am sure he is loving it here ^^

Day 13 - From A Distance

Yup yup.. This is Thailand from a distance =)

Day 14 - Flowers

When we got back to Bahrain.. My aunt, her husband and their kids were there waiting for us.. My lil cousin 7amoodi is Laila's best friend :P although he is younger but she really loves him - as a bro - and she visits him often at their house - and yeah my aunt house is so near - .. So anyway when we got back we were surprised by those flowers.. 7amoodi got them for my sis Laila.. It was sooo cute! Love you 7amood mwah!

I Love You!

I love you and I don’t care whether they believe in you or not.. Whether they believe in us or not.. I love you and that’s what all matter!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Why Men Marry B*tches

Excuse me for the title & the pic..! It’s a book I finally decided to read! I am just done reading sing you home for Jodi Picoult and decided to go for something else than a story.. I had this book long time ago and I didn’t read it because all my friends told me that why men love b*tches is way nicer! I was searching between my books for it, I believe I bought it but I guess I didn’t! so anyway, yesterday I started reading few pages of this book and it turned out interesting.. the author here doesn’t mean by b*tches as a bad girl! It actually means a strong girl! I will leave you with a review of this book.. I am pretty sure a lot of you read it or at least heard about it..

Why Men Marry B*tches: A Woman's Guide to Winning Her Man's Heart

Make him chase you...Until you catch him.
Never shy and always laugh-out-loud funny, Sherry Argov's Why Men Marry B*tches is a sharp-witted manifesto that shows women how to transform a casual relationship into a committed one. With the grittiest of girlfriend-to-girlfriend detail, Argov removes the kid gloves and explains why being extra nice doesn't necessarily mean he'll be more devoted. The guide shares real-life "no holds barred" interviews with men who answer the following in raw detail:
How do men manipulate a relationship to keep it casual?
Do men deliberately push women's emotional buttons?
How can she convince him commitment was his idea?
How can she invite a proposal without saying a word?

Whether you are single, married, recently separated, or just fed up with your family members telling you to fetch a husband because time is running out, Why Men Marry B*tches is the must-have guide that will show you how to exude confidence, win his heart, and get the love and respect you deserve.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Me & salads!

I dunno why I am bringing this subject.. It just pisses me off! Ok Ok kelwa7ed 7or oo kel wa7ed kaifeh adrii bas b3d it pisses me off !!
Yesterday I went out with my friends to coco's .. its a restaurant located in Adliya.. We ordered many things becuz I guess we were so hungry :P.. we shared the food >> this is what girls mostly do :P.. So after like 10 minutes one of my friends called saying she wanna join us.. When she came we were done eating but there were some leftovers.. So we told her she can eat it.. She was like no I wanna order salad becuz I am on diet!!!! Oh crap! She is not even fat! Okay I am not here talking badly about her.. God knows how much I love her.. Just those people take my nerve .. Why would anyone go to a restaurant to eat salad! Grrr I am so not that person! Okay I might order a salad as a starter but I will eat something else! come on people its food enjoy it!

It is not like I dont like salad! Tara I do.. Bas I don't like to eat it as my only lunch or only dinner! I sometimes do it when I am really full.. But its raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrreeee :P..

So tell me about you.. What type of person you are? Do you go out just to eat salad?! Don't worry I wont hate you :P I just wish I am not the only girl who loves food and thinks its wrong to order just a SALAD :P

Guys.. Do you really like a girl who just eat salad? I mean imagine your going out with your wife and all she eats is salad! Is that really fine with you? A9lan can you eat while all what she eats is salad? :P!

Back to work .. Back to reality..

I am back back back back to everything! I am back to life.. Back to work.. Back to reality..
I was so miserable few days ago! I don’t know why! I was angry at everything.. I was upset! I was depressed! Now I am feeling much much much better! The happy me is back again :D.. I love my life.. I love my job.. I loved my vacation and yeah I love myself!
I am sorry for being so negative lately but sometimes you need to let these stuff go out of your chest to feel better.. Thanks for all of you who listened and helped.. I appreciate it to the max..

Take care all and stay in touch I am going to post more cheerful topics soon ^^

Friday, September 16, 2011

Love.. Hate.. Pain.. Hurt...

Talk.. Speak.. Shout.. Cry.. Laugh.. Smile.. Hurt.. Pain.. Depressed.. Love…

How can one person has all those feelings together? Is it possible? Can you love someone and hate him in the same time? Can they bring pain and happiness in the same time? Can they make you cry out of pain and out of happiness in the same time?
Why do we love..?! I wish I could stop my heart from loving.. I wish I could just shut everything away from it.. Can anyone do that? Why the hell not! Why this stupid heart has to fall for someone! Why it never listens to the mind! I’m just confused.. Way confused.. I don’t know what I want.. I don’t know what I need.. Do I need you? Do I want you?

I just need to disappear.. To think.. To decide.. To make the right thing..

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sickness Go Away!

I'm feelin so bad right now :( I hate being sick! Not when I'm traveling! Its almost 5 am now and I can't sleep! Tissues are every where around me on bed! I can't stop sneezing and my throat is killing me! Pff bas abee at7l6am shway I really need to sleep but I can't!
Uh.. 7amdella 3ala kel 7al! I just wanna sleepppppp!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 8-9-10

Thanks to Mr. konphuzed I am back to this :P I was so lazy doing this but we kind of had a deal so when I saw him posting some pix it encouraged me to do so ..

Leaving you with Day 8,9 & 10..

Day 8 - Technology..
I didnt know what picture to take here.. So finally I decided to take a picture of the TV on the hotel here..

Day 9 - Faceless Self Portrait..
I wasnt planning to put this picture to be honest.. But my lil sis took it for me.. I thought she was actually taking a picture of me with my face :P but apparently she did this in purpose telling me to put it in this challenge.. Thanks Laila :)

Day 10 - Something I made..
I made these cookies long time.. You can check the recipe if you wud like from here..

Missing You All =)

Hello all..

I miss blogging so much.. I miss u all.. How are u doing? :P Happy belated Eid to you all.. Hope you enjoyed ur Eid :)..

For me I am really enjoying my time here .. Thailand is so beautiful .. I am kinda bored though now and have nothing to do.. It's raining so hard right now that we cant go out.. Actually we are a bit lazy to go out in the rain :P.. I am starving didnt eat anything since morning and its 7 PM here.. I am enjoying not eating much :P I only eat two meals a day.. breakfast and lunch/dinner.. I am hoping to lose weight lol.. & yeah we are walking much so yeah I hope I lose some !

Well.. I just wanted to chit chat a lil bit.. I hope u all are doing good :)..

Take care and have a nice day x x x..