Sunday, February 26, 2012

البحرين تُفجع بوفاة 6 فتيات في حادث مرور مروِّع

فجعت البحرين مساء أمس السبت (25 فبراير/ شباط 2012) بوفاة ست فتيات في عمر الزهور، في حادث مرور مروع وذلك عندما تدهورت السيارة التي تقودها إحداهن على الطريق المؤدي إلى قرية سار من ناحية شارع الشيخ عيسى بن سلمان.

مصرع 6 شابات بحادث مروِّع بالطريق المؤدي لقرية سار

سار - محمد الجدحفصي
شهدت البحرين مساء أمس السبت (25فبراير/ شباط 2012) حادثاً مأساوياً إذ لقيت 6 شابات في عمر الزهور مصرعهن عندما تدهورت السيارة التي تقودها إحداهن على الطريق المؤدي إلى قرية سار من ناحية شارع الشيخ عيسى بن سلمان. وحضرت الجهات الأمنية إلى موقع الحادث، إذ قاموا بفرض طوق أمني بمحيط الموقع، ريثما تقوم الأجهزة المعنية بالتحقيق في ظروف وملابسات وقوع الحادث الذي خلف أضراراً جسيمة بالسيارة.
وبحسب التفاصيل؛ فإن الفتيات كن عائدات فيما يبدو إلى منازلهن عندما فقدت سائقة السيارة السيطرة على قيادتها بالقرب من مدخل قرية سار الجنوبي، مما أدى إلى انحرافها وارتطامها بالرصيف وتدهورها لتصطدم بجدار مبنى سكني، حيث أسفر الحادث عن انحشار جميع الركاب بالسيارة وعلى رغم من محاولة أفراد الدفاع المدني تخليصهن من بين حطام المركبة فإن 5 منهن توفين في موقع الحادث، فيما توفيت الشابة السادسة بالمستشفى بعد نقلها بواسطة الإسعاف ولم تفلح جهود الطاقم الطبي في إنقاذ حياتها.
في السياق ذاته؛ جدد أهالي قرية سار خلال حديثهم إلى «الوسط» مطالبة الجهات المعنية بضرورة إيجاد حل جذري للشارع الذي شهد الحادث المأساوي، وذلك لعدم وجود مطبات اصطناعية لتخفيف السرعة أمام السواق، بالإضافة إلى عدم وجود إنارة كافية بالشارع المذكور

ما أقسى الموت حين يخطف زهورا من بستان الحياة، كبكاء السماء بالمطر كان نزف الدموع على البحرين.. 6 زهور قطفها القدر خلسة.. لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله.. إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون.. اللهم الهم أهلهم الصبر والسلوان

يارحمّن ، ياأرحمّ الراحمّين ، ياواّحد ياأحّد ، يافرّد ياصمدّ ، ياجباّر نسأّلك بكّل اسمّ هوّ لّك سميّت بّه نفسّك أوّ أنزلتّه فيّ كتابّك أوّ أوحيّت بّه لرسّلك اّن تنزّل علىّ قبوّر موتاّنا الضيّاء والنوّر والفسّحة والسرّور ،
اللهّم جازهّم بالحسنّات إحسانّا وبالسيّئات عفّوا وغفّرانا حتّى يكونّوا فيّ بطوّن الألحاّد مطمئّنين ..يارّب اجبّر كسّر قلوبّنا علّى فراقّهم
ولاتجّعل آخّر عهّدنا بهّم فّي الدنيّا ، وابنّي لنّا ولهّم بيوّتا فّي الجنّة ، واجعّل ملتقّانا هنّاك ...وصل اللهم وسّلم علّى سيدنا محمّد وال سيدنا محمّد فيّ العالمّين انّك حميّد مجّيد

لا أعرفهم ولم أعرفهم ولم ألقاهم.. إلا أن مصيبتهم هزت قلبي وأفجعتني!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Swirl Cupcakes

 I recently was surfing the net when I saw Bahrainipreneur's tweet about swirl cupcakes.. It was a day after Valentine's day.. I immediately checked the site and I was so amazed with what they have.. I specially loved the cupcake bouquets they have! It was so nice decorated and I have never seen something like this before!

I called them right away after I checked their site and tweets and they picked it directly! The owner was such a sweetheart! She was so nice and open to any question! I guess I kind of bothered her with calling and asking but she was answering her phone, texting me and emailing me! I have never dealt with someone like her to be honest!

I have ordered blue/purple bouquet:

& my friend has ordered the pink or red bouquet which was available for valentine:

I honestly did not try their cupcakes so I can’t rate for the taste. However I asked my friend who I sent the cupcakes to and he rated them 8 out of 10.
I would give their decoration 10 out of 10! It is so unique and neat! I loved her work so much!

Here are some snoop shoots I got from twitter on what people say about Swirl Cupcake:

If you would like to know more about Swirl cupcake please visit: 
 Twitter @SwirlBH

Wishing her all the best! 

I Support Bahrainis

A Fake Tiramisu

Happy weekend to all!
I brought for you today a fake easy tiramisu to make :D..

What you need:

Savoiardi biscuit

1 tea spoon of coffee with water (or 2, its optional)
2 dream whip
2 thick cream (Geemar/Qesh6a)
6 creamy cheese (I use Kiri)
Flake for the topping

What to do:
Put the savoiardi on the Pyrex then pour some of the coffee on it.
Mix the dream whip, thick cream and the creamy cheese together till it becomes so creamy.
Then put some of your creamy mix on the savoiardi biscuits.
After that put another layer of the savoiardi with the coffee and the cream.

Finally decorate it with flakes!

Isn’t that so easy!
You must try it! Its so delicious trust me! You should only put it on the fridge for 1 or 2 nights and then you can serve it!

P.S. I am not sure if I shared this earlier with you or not >.<!! I hope its something new lol :P

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stay in touch!

Hello all!

How are you all doing!

Well.. For me I am currently not feeling well :(.. Last Sunday I had an accident at work which made me really tired :(.. Believe it or not.. The ceiling fell on me! HAHA I know! Its funny and its so OUCH!

What happened is, I went to the toilet to get ready for the prayers.. It was our break at work so basically no one was at our department but me! So I entered the toilet and the moment I took out my scarf (Shaila) POOOFFF....!!! Something heavy fell on my head, shoulder, back!!!! Oh God!! I got dizzy.. & I felt pain on my shoulder! I couldnt move for a moment.. Then.. I wore my Shaila in a rush and went outside looking for someone just to check on what happened for my shoulder! I just wanted to make sure if I was bleeding or not! But no one was at the office! I went back to the toilet feeling hurt! After few minutes I returned back to my desk and called the reception just to inform them about what happened.. The toilet was a mess and someone needed to clean it up!

Anyway, I went to the hospital that day and again today.. I am feeling much better thank God.. It is just my right hand now.. Its hurting me a bit and I am trying not to sit on the laptop when I get back home from work.. I miss visiting a lot of blogs and sites.. I miss me blogging.. I miss you all.. Just stay in touch I will be back soon inshalla :)

Take care all..

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's Ideas

Goooood daaaay all..!

Ready for valentine? Prepared? Done? I like valentine's gifts to be simple.. To be made by you.. To show the person you love what they mean to you! Last valentine I prepared a scrap book to the person I love.. You may find this link useful if you are planning to do so Love NoteBook Gift or you can ask me if you need help in this :P..

The gift I got was a fruit basket! It was sooooo adorable! I loved it so much! & the fruit was so YUMMY & FRESH! You can visit their site to check what they have and to buy for your valentine if you think they will like it :D EDIBLE

You can always bake something for the person you love.. Some valentine's day recipes:

& as always.. ROSES.. I love flowers.. I love roses.. Roses are so nice to give on valentine's day! For my valentine I baked cookies which hmm well they turned out bad to be honest LOL but anyways I am planning to give him just to show him that he means a lot to me that I actually baked something for him :P.. I will also send him flowers =).. I will show you the picture when its ready inshalla !

So.. Tell me.. What did you plan for?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

يا معيريس

 يا معيريس عمل كرتوني بصبغة إماراتية، يسرد قصة مريوم الشابة الجامعية التي يتقدم المحامي خليفة لخطبتها كاتبة السيناريو : كليثم علي النقبي أفكار و اشراف : مارية محمد (يباب.كوم)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Do U Agree?!

""Don't get into a relationship with someone that cheated WITH you. That just means sooner or later, they'll cheat ON you.""

Do u agree or disagree with it? and why?!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Valentine.. Are you prepared?!

Hello February!!

Valentine is within few days!!

Happy Valentine in advance too all!

So how do you usually spend valentine's day?
Do you believe in valentine? Do you celebrate it?!

What was the best valentine's day and the best valentine's gift you ever had?
What's your plan for this valentine? How will you spend it? What will you buy for the person you love? What will you do?!

I have many ideas for Valentine's gift.. For homemade gifts.. Perhaps if I saw people interested in valentine I will share my ideas here :D

Have a nice lovely day!