Wednesday, September 30, 2009

على قطرات المطر

على قطرات المطر اشعلت الشموع.. على قطرات المطر اخرجت اوراقي من مخبأها.. بعثرتها.. رميتها.. احرقتها.. على قطرات المطر سالت دموعي.. وانطفأت آخر شموعي..

كثيرا ما كتبت عنك.. عن حبي لك.. عن تجربة حب عشناها معا.. كثيرا ما تمنيت لو كنت تقرأ ما اكتبه لتحس بعمق الحب في داخلي.. كثيرا ما اهديت إليك قصائد عشق لم تفتحها.. ولم تستنشق رحيق عطري على غلافها.. كثيرا ما تسائلت لم اكتب لشخص لا يعرف بوجودي.. ولا يهتم بمشاعري.. ولا يأبه لكتاباتي..!

اوراق مبعثرة حولي.. كتبت فيها كل مشاعري.. كل ما تمنيته.. كل ما عانيته.. كل حلم أبيض حلمت فيه..

مع قطرات المطر.. حاولت اشعال شموعي مرة أخرى.. لأكتب لك رسالة أخيرة.. لأخبرك إنني ما زلت أحبك.. وسأحبك.. ولن اتخلى عن حبك.. مع قطرات دموعي.. تذكرت آخر همساتك.. إنك لن تكون لي ولا بي ولا إلي.. فلماذا قسوت علي اليوم.. لماذا لم تتمسك بي كما تمسكت بك.. لماذا ظننت إنني سأفضل العيش بدونك.. لماذا جمعت أدلة لا برهان لها.. لماذا اتهمتني بأنني لن استطيع العيش معك.. من أين اخرجت هذه الأدلة يا سيدي.. وما أدراك ما أشعر به وأنت لم تقرأ يوما ما احسست به.. وأنت لم تأبه يوما لتسألني ما احس..

تركتني اليوم.. تركتني مع اوراقي المبعثرة.. اندب حظا جلبني إليك.. اندب حظا عرفني بك.. تركتني يا سيدي.. لأحرق مشاعري.. لأمزق اوردة حبي.. حتى لا تكون هناك ذكرى تجمعنا معا.. أردت ذلك.. ودفعتني لذلك.. وأمرتني بفعل ذلك.. فلا تعود لتكرر قصة حب عشتها لوحدي.. ورسمتها لوحدي.. وتعلمت معانيها لوحدي..

على قطرات المطر اشعلت الشموع.. على قطرات المطر اخرجت اوراقي من مخبأها.. بعثرتها.. رميتها.. احرقتها.. على قطرات المطر سالت دموعي.. وانطفأت آخر شموعي.. وانطفأ حبي لك..
Butterfly Chick
14th Feb 2007


I read this amazing article and wanted to share it with you.. Really amazing

Eassy the duck is a strange case indeed! This duck happens to think that it is a dog!

Eassy's owners picked him up when he was just a duckling and soon afterwards he was walking along with his adopted brothers, dogs Rashka & DD, which cared for Eassy like he was one of their own.

Step & Tony, who are the parents of these three "dogs" explained that they get tons of attention from neighbors because they are so funny! Even other dogs in the neighborhood come over to Eassy with excitement, and sniff him and wag their tails to greet him.

Eassy walks with his brothers everyday, which walk a bit slower to make sure the duck doesn't get left in their dust.

Eassy also has his own leash and his own bed to sleep in near his brothers.

Isn't he so adorable?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Clay Garden!

Happy Eid everyone

How was your Eid? Hope you had fun and enjoyed your vacation.. ('',)

Well as I am at work bored and checking my emails I saw an amazing email.. It was about an entire garden made of clay.. It is really amazing how they made it.. I will leave you with some of the pictures.. Hope you like it..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Te7eL6eM Time!!

Good Afternoon

Well today abee at7al6am! I am at work now and my neck & back are killing me! I don’t know laish 7a6een chee karasi ekasroon el '9ahar! Ya3ni abee a3arf is it only me or kelman e3ani min nafs el moshkela?
Walla '9ahrii 3awarni o yaz3am karasi moree7a 7ag el pc!
O thani shay el tea boy 7a6 doobah min doobi! I am not underestimating him walla.. Min awal mayait oo I am nice to him when I call him I tell him come please, do this please, copy this please, whatever please! But since I came here he started looking at me and giving me an irony smile [[ he just passed by me grr ]].. I was ignoring his smile 9ara7a and I said maybe he is like this and I was ignoring the way he takes the papers from me to copy it and ask me in a nervy way if I have more papers before he goes or when he tells me I will do your work later! Okay what shall I do if my boss every few minutes give me new papers? And what can I do if I am not suppose to move from my place because I have to answer all the calls?
Anyway I didn’t mind all those, till yesterday I asked him to fax a paper then he started to reply in a nervy way again and I didn’t understand any word from what he said!! The problem is his voice is so so low and he talks like from his nose! And I can't understand him! So since I didn’t know what he was saying, I gave him the fax number.. Suddenly he got really mad! And took the papers from me and told me in a angry expression that it has been seven years for him working here o mo ana ayey a3alma sh'3la [[ btw I am new here, ma9ar li one week! ]]
Walla I didn’t mean to do that! Bas mafham 3alaih! When I told my brother he told me I have to do something about it ena masket lah or atleast ared 3alaih, which I cant do to be honest.. I don’t want to make problems 59o9an o ana tawni yedeeda ya3ni! O I cant be rude to him! I really don't know what to do!
I wonder if anyone of you ever had same situation and what did you do with it?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Shoojii <3

Ga3da 3ala el sha6.. Ga3da etemasha6.. Yaha el wawi.. Galaha Shooji.. te te te tetete te te tetete tete tetete tete te..

I like Shjoon's show, she is very adorable! She is funny, friendly and lovable.. I like the beginning song of the show, & I also like "Fayez.. Fayez walla Fayez.. Oo Weeeeee 5ethar 5ethar 5ethar 5ethar 5ethar 5ethar..!!" lool ..
I wont forget to mention how good actress she is.. Et3arf ta'9be6 adwarha 3adel mashalla 3alaiha.. Oo walla she can act better than many elder actors/actresses..
I still remember how she once acted that she was drunk.. lol she really seemed drunk!
I like Shjoon's show & act.. Let me know what do you think of her ('',)..

For those who don't know Shjoon or don't know her show:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Some thoughts

Yallah 9aba7 5air..
I didn’t sleep yet, I was about to sleep but I couldn’t.. I don't know why.. Somehow some old thoughts came to my mind.. I hate thinking about it, and every time I force myself to pretend that it didn’t hurt me and I got over it.. Well I know I did.. but remembering how foolish you were is not easy.. Remembering how people used you is not easy either.. I wonder if trusting people is wrong?
I guess girls get upset more than guys.. And I hate this on us! Maybe because we think a lot or because we don’t forget at all.. I mean we don’t forget the bad stuff that happen to us even if we forgive those people who hurt us..
Shall I wish them a good luck in their life even if deep inside me I hope that the karma takes it place? Shall I pretend that I have a white heart even if deep inside me I somehow hate them?
I feel so weak when I remember those days.. I feel so stupid.. And this make me feel upset.. I know I shouldn’t.. It has been years now.. But when the knife comes from the closest person it kills you.. Well.. It killed me for a while.. I am still believing I am over it.. Thank God for everything..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

ChoCho loves my slippers

Lately my sisters and my brother's wife bought me new pink slippers.. when I woke up that day I saw it near my bed and I wore it.. I went out from my room to the living room and there was my little sweet birdo.. The moment I entered the living room I saw him following me "though he doesn’t usually" and he started to get closer to my slippers and whistle to it! The more I moved them away the more he gets closer.. this was really funny he just stayed next to the slippers whistling! Later I took him to my room, I laid down on bed and put him on my pillow where he takes his nap, but this time he didn’t sleep on my pillow! He ran to my slippers and stayed on it then he closed his eyes..! I really don't know why he loves my slippers, but I thought he was really adorable when he followed me and whistled..

I love my ChoCho (L)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why Men Don’t Have A Clue & Women Always Need More Shoes

Good evening..

As I promised you, I am going to talk about some of the books that I read, reading, or want to buy soon & I will really appreciate it if you share with me some of your books too and which books you like the most..

For me I like self improvement books & I also love Jodi Picoult stories..

So let me start with the book that I am reading now..

Why Men Don't Have A Clue & Women Always Need More Shoes
For Allan & Barbara Pease

This book gives the lowdown on some of the issues that have confused men & women for centuries.

It contains some main topics as:
- What are the top seven things that drive women mad?
- Why do women cry more than men?
- What are men looking for in women, both at first sight and for the long-term relationship?

I am enjoying reading it a lot and it makes me laugh somehow on some of the stuff that I feel its real.. Why Men Don’t Have A Clue & Women Always Need More Shoes is the next step on the relationship ladder from Why Men Don’t Listen & Women Can't Read Maps & covers many of the areas of life most of us rarely think about, or simply don’t notice.

[[I also recommend you to read Why Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps, I would call it part one for Why Men Don’t Have A Clue & Women Always Need More Shoes]]
Butterfly Chick

Ramadan Kareem

Hello everyone..

I am so excited tonight.. I really feel happy..
I didn't have the time to congrats you on Ramdan.. Embarak 3alaikum el shahar..
So how is Ramadan with you? What do you watch?
For me I like "Um El Banat" the most.. It has a nice story.. I can't wait to watch how So3ad Abdulla will change..
I also watch "Muneera" & "Zaman Al 3ar"..
How about you? What do you watch? And what do you prefer the most out of all those episodes?
Waiting for your replies =)

Butterfly Chick

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Who Am I

Hello all ..

I thought a lot about what to write to introduce myself.. I am so excited about the blog that I can't think now.. and it's really late and I am really sleepy..! So talking about sleeping.. I am one of those lazy girls who really really adore sleeping! I could spend the whole day on bed and never get bored! I usually read when I am on bed, I like reading so much and I am planning to share what I read with you soon inshalla..
So I guess this is it.. If you feel like knowing more about me don't hesitate to ask.. I hope you light my blog with your comments..

Take care all ..

Butterfly Chick